
June 29, 2007

Movie Quote Contest: Week 2

"Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only..."

"No fucking shit, lady. Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza? "

Try not to use Google :) I know it's tempting. I still haven't found a way to do this without the threat of Google being used. If anyone has any ideas, email me. Until then I am not sure that I can give out a prize.

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June 27, 2007 - Buy/Sell/Connect, Locally is a community web bulletin board of sorts. Here you can post ads, search job listings, even upload pictures to your own gallery. helps people shop and connect locally in one another's zip codes. Do a simple job search by zip code and you might find a part-time job right across town. Do a search for apartments in a city where you are planning to move to in the near future. It's all there.

Lost your cat? Need help with yard work? Post on and see what happens from there. The community is small at this time, but this site will be growing by the day. Perfect for posting classifieds or announcements for your local community. I think this site is good for online and offline use.

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Bite Me Link Exchange is All Good!

Today I would like to write a post about a new blog link exchange that I am in. It's put on by VenomousKate over at Every Tuesday and Friday the linky dinky is on.

Her blog is easy on the eyes and a thrill to read. She holds a Caption Contest on Mondays and of course this link exchange on Tuesday's and Friday's. Check out the blog, just another fine reading session I've found since I joined

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Police Release New Compilation CD with Poster

Remember your first Police CD? I think I bought a greatest hits cd one time. That must have been over 10 years ago, but it was worth every penny.

The police have a new compilation cd out this month. It also comes with a vintage "The Police" poster. I have the listings for the songs on disc 1 included below.
Disc: 1
1. Fallout
2. Can't Stand Losing You
3. Next to You
4. Roxanne
5. Truth Hits Everybody
6. Hole in My Life
7. So Lonely
8. Message in a Bottle
9. Reggatta de Blanc
10. Bring on the Night
11. Walking on the Moon
12. Don't Stand So Close to Me
13. Driven to Tears
14. Canary in a Coalmine

One of my favorite songs is "Roxanne" and "Don't Stand So Close to Me". Man, those two bring back memories of me and my 80's music fetish. Although, I cannot remember exactly what I was doing the first time I heard those two. The Police are so well known that I am sure if you ask anyone what is there favorite song, they could name at least one. I hear the band so much on the radio, that whenever you hear a song you can much likely sing along with it.

The Police are a top 5 band in the world and could be compared in popularity to U2 or possibly even the Beatles. People from all over the world will do what they can to get tickets to see them live in concert. They put on a memorable show and that is what keeps people coming back for more.

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June 26, 2007

Wait, One Last Post! It's About Paris

She is out of jail, finally! Whew, believe it or not, she made it and now we can all get back to our normal boring lives. Don't forget about the $1 million she is charging for an interview, or the half way home she wants to start to help all the tarts she did her "hard time" with.

What a joke? How long before we can stop hearing about this chick?

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Wanna Make Some Money? Read!

If you are part of the millions of people that wish they were making money online, you HAVE to read His blog is chalked full of all kinds of ways to market yourself or website online. Right now, you are reading a review that I am doing for his blog. For this I will be getting a linkback to my blog. Why is that so important you ask? Well, for starters his blog is uber-popular among money making gurus online and his Technorati rating is a phenomenal 1,529.

His blog has links to email marketing and business intelligence websites. Take a minute to read over his blogs. Some categories include:
Fine Dining
and more. I have read about his blog in a number of other places, but never really had much time to read through it. Now that I have, he really puts his money where is mouth is. He is making it and you can learn a lot from him. Don't skip this one, it's valuable.

He has a quite interesting article on Adsense and how it is really a sobering experience. Most people hear about adsense and think it's easy to make money with it. Well, I beg you to read his post and then see how you feel about it. Keep reading, you'll find more things to learn.

Learn first, make money second!

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June 25, 2007

Movie Quote Contest: Week 1 Answer

This was an easy one folks. The comments are correct, this was one of my favorites from Happy Gilmore!

Here is a link to a couple great shots from the movie. Stay tuned for the movie quote on Friday. It will hopefully be a little harder :) I will see about getting a prize to the first correct answer in July. I am still working on it with my partner site. Hang in there!

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June 24, 2007

TV Show: Destination Truth

Destination Truth is another tv show to go along with my paranormal fetish.

This show is decent so far (3 shows). A sceptic running the show is exactly what I have been waiting for. I don't like to see people on the show jumping and screaming at every little noise they hear. This guy wants to see proof and will debunk it to your face if it's bull.
You can catch it on Sci-Fi of course Wednesday nights. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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Press Release: Magnetic Diet

The following is a press release for the Magnetic Diet:

The Magnetic Diet is an amazing new book by diet and meditation guru Nick Smith. In it he describes an original nutritional concept that he calls Food Magnetism. Smith says that food magnetism is the way and the means by which we can lose weight and achieve an incredible level of health and well being. The Magnetic Diet details techniques to overcome cravings through special breathing exercises and a unique approach to improving muscle tone that does not require a gym membership. Smith also shares a simple meditation practice that anyone can do and in his words "has the potential beyond anything else you could ever do, to bring an unimaginable and everlasting joy to your life." Smith has done what few authors would ever think to do, he has made the book available on-line completely free of charge. He says it is more important for people especially young people to have access to this knowledge than it is for him to make a profit. You can of course order the book from his website and read it in comfort on your couch as opposed to page by page sitting at the computer.

With all the diets out there today, why not take a look at something "outside of the box"? This is the diet I would call, outside of the box. A new book, by Nick Smith about his Magnetic Diet Weight Loss Program. Check it out today!

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Pee on a Jellyfish Sting?

Can you pee on a jelly fish sting to make it hurt less?

Apparently you can, but it will only help for about 3 minutes or so.

Did you also know that if you take all RIGHT turns you can outrun a black bear? LOL, I know it sounds ridiculous, but wouldn't you try anything you could to get away from a bear!?

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Spam Free Email with

I had to switch from SBC, AOL or Hotmail account because of all the spam. Now I have email through It's nice and FREE of spam and other unwanted email. You can "allow" or "block" individual emails from whoever is sending it. They have a strong spam filter and if you don't want that email, you are NOT going to get it any longer.

I have a free account, or 4 for that matter, and it hooks right up with Outlook Express. I can also login to their webmail service at to get messages from any computer connected to the internet. From the control panel there, you can allow or block emails.

I have had the service for about 4 months and so far, so good. I recommend if you are in need of a SPAM free email account that isn't tied to Yahoo or Hotmail. Check them out at

Song of the Day:
"Nickel Bags of Funk" by Digable Planets

June 23, 2007

Movie Quote Contest: Week 1

"Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit?"

Do you know what movie the above quote is from? It is a comedy, but that is all the clues you are getting :) If you know the answer, please leave it in the comments section.

June 21, 2007

Why Wal-Mart Won't Sell You More Than Two Prepaid Cell Phones

Seems Wal-Mart has a corporate policy that restricts your ability to buy prepaid cellular phones to two a day. The author couldn't get Wal-Mart corporate to comment on the reason behind the policy, but Wal-Mart employees speculated it was meant for drug dealers or wireless dealers.

read more | digg story

Analytics Software by has a new analytics feature available to it's users. It's basically a stats program for your forms. has a event registration system with many features that include:

[]Fully-customizable online forms
[]Unlimited reporting capabilities
[]Automated confirmation and reminder emails help

I like any feature that provides unlimited anything for no extra cost. The "average time to complete" stat could come in handy if you want to do some error checking on your site. Or it would also let you know if your forms are longer than what they need to be.

You can see a demo for free on the website or open a free account. Over 9800 meeting professionals use this system, go and see what great things they have to say about their event registration system.

My new Blog:

I just recently started a new blog geared towards everything technology for the "non-pro" tech.

You can visit the site at and maybe leave a comment or two. I also have a blogroll on the site, if you'd like your site added, please just let me know by commenting on this post.....thank you for your support.

June 20, 2007

Reno 911 Miami: DVD Released Unrated

The DVD is out and Fox has set up a website to promote the release of Reno 911! Miami The Movie. On the website there are games, gallery photos, even a downloads section.

I went to the website which is and played a game called "Midnight Shootout". Each level of the game gives you a scene, a weapon and 5 seconds to survey the scene. Then you are blindfolded and told to shoot the "bad guys". It's kind of fun, except when you kill an innocent with a shot to the head :)

The last level they give you a scene of downtown Miami and with a rocket launcher you are supposed to break up a gang meeting going on "somewhere". It's a good time. My total score was 3900 with 0 innocents killed, but I managed to pick off 22 cops.

I like to watch the show on Comedy Central, but I must say that I haven't had a chance to catch the movie yet. It will certainly be put on my Netflix list to rent. You can go to the homepage for Reno 911! Miami The Movie and play the games. Save a screen shot of your games and post them on the fan site.

Street Cars Go Crunch, Crunch

This is too funny. I once had a custom truck. I never raced it through the streets at night, but apparently these guys have!

Southern California is cracking down on teens and their illegal street races by, and I must applaud, crushing the cars into pancakes.
As you can see from the picture at the left, one sorry teen has to look at his "girlfriend" or his "heart, his dream". I feel sorry for these guys, but really only for about 10 seconds or the time it takes to crush one of these cars.

Sleep is Good, Comfy Bedding is Even Better

I like to sleep, so my bed had better be as comfortable as possible to make my sleep time as enjoyable as can be.

Terry's Fabrics has just what I need to make my bedding a calming influence. Things like embroidered duvet covers, quilted bedspreads and even lighting.

You have a bed, you will need bedding, check out Terry's Fabrics at

June 19, 2007

Weekend Movie Quote Contest!

Hello and welcome to moviephone! Hahah, just kidding. But that is a quote from one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes.

I think what I would like to do is have a "Movie Quote" contest. Every Friday I will post a quote from a movie and if you think you have the right movie & scene, leave a comment with your answer.

The contest will run all weekend and the following Monday I will post again, this time with the answer to the quote and maybe a picture or two of the specific scene. These will be from all types of movies, old and new, but most likely will be MY favorite quotes. At least to start this thing out.

If the contest goes well, I will consider giving away consumer electronics prizes from a partner website I am associated with. Help me get this going on MONDAY, come back and see the quote or subscribe to get my posts in your email so you won't forget!

Have a good day!

New Show on USA Network: Burn Notice

Starting June 28th, USA Network's Burn Notice season will begin. On this date, Michael Weston, a CIA agent, will show us the true meaning of being a survivor.

If I were stranded without any resources it would sure make for a great television show! I wouldn't know what to do at first, but since I am usually quite resourceful, I am confident I would come of with something.

I could easily pan-handle for money, it's done everyday with people making thousands of extra dollars a year. I wouldn't have any extra clothes, so in a couple of days of sleeping on a park bench, I would most certainly look like a bum. Acting like one can't be that hard; sit down, write a sign, scream swear words at people and hold a cup out for money. Sounds pretty simple, although I am sure it isn't.

I would have to find a dry place to sleep. Under a bridge always sounded good, but I am sure all that prime real estate would be taken before I get there. Maybe in a dumpster? Nah, that's really pushing it. How about if I was able to find a spot in some woods and make a little tee pee? Yeah that would be fine.

The only thing that I would have a problem with is FOOD. I am not exactly the kind of guy that would stalk anything to kill it and eat it, but if I were hungry enough, maybe I could.

Check out the show, I have already got the DVR dialed in for this one.

What is With Crime?

Just getting done talking with a couple of co-workers about crime in a larger city near where we live, and all I can ask myself is, "what the heck is going on?"

Milwaukee Wisconsin has one of the largest murder rates per capita in the nation. How do you fix something like that? They are almost 100-150 officers short of a full police staff in the city, does that help?

They recently just voted in a new police chief, but what do you do about something that has been out of control for so long and now it's your job to get it under control?

It just doesn't make any sense to me. 10 years ago it would have been tough for me to hear that crime would be as bad as it is in the city that I live in, now I am sad to say that it's a reality!

June 18, 2007

Business Management Software by NetSimplicity

Any business knows how important it can be to be able to track assets, schedule rooms, catering and more. With NetSimplicities Asset Tracking software, any business can stay organized throughout and keep productivity up at a lower cost.

NetSimplicity business management software has several features that include: Asset Tracking, discover your assets, sharing your assets, import your data, reports and add-ons, such as, handheld scanner modules.

With 4 editions to choose from, NetSimplicity will have what you need to keep your business organized. If you have any questions, here is the FAQ section.

Ouch, Tiger Woods was soooo Close!

I am certainly not a huge fan of golf, but I don't mind watching Tiger Woods barrel his way up the leader board on the last day of any tournament that he is in.

He was within one stroke, as we all know, of the lead on the 18th hole. As he paced around the green trying to picture the playoff hole, what do you think was going through his head?

Yea, baby on the way, don't choke like the rest, just "tap it in"!

Well, we all saw what happened, hopefully he won't choke at being a dad :) j/k

Office Space Search in Denver

I am by no means a real estate mogul, but I would consider myself an investor in real estate. I own a duplex and a parcel of land in the northern part of the state. If you are doing business in Denver and need additional office space, allow me to recommend MacLaurin Commercial Real Estate's free property search.

While searching for Denver office space on the site you will see other parts of the site with a wealth of information available to you as a buyer or tenant.

Take a look at the site, the property search is free of charge and you never know, you may find exactly what you were looking for. At that point MacLaurin Commercial Real Estate is on your side to show you the results you need.

Deja Vu

The movie that is. Have you seen it? I love movies like this for a couple of reasons. The main reason being that my brain gets a workout during the whole movie. Things are happening so fast that you must keep both eyes open and your mouth shut, just to stay up to speed.

I guess to sum it up in short version, I would explain it as a mix between the movies "Time Line" and "Enemy of the State". That's all that I am going to say though, because talking about it any more would be a risk of giving away key parts of the movie.

Rent it and check it out, even if it isn't raining outside!

If you love your pets, you should have pet insurance

We all know many people that have pets. Even more, we all know some people that have pets that were put to sleep because they were unable to afford proper care for their pets.

That's wear pet insurance comes in. I have 4 pets myself, not including some fish, that I would certainly consider getting pet insurance for. Health insurance for your pet can cover many things including:
Cancer Treatments: $5,500
Hip Dysplasia: $6,000
Fracture: $3,000
Foreign Body Ingestion: $3,500
Viral Infection: $3,000
Eye Problems: $3,000
Gastro Intestinal Problems: $3,000
Vet costs are on the rise, why leave your pet with little hope when you can provide the care they might need for a minimal fee? If you have any pets, especially those known for common health problems, please consider getting pet insurance.

June 17, 2007

New Blog in the Works: Enternal Flux

I just recently visited the blog at and I like layout, as well as, the colors. The blog currently has multiple posts and meme's going on every week.

Thursday 13, Monday Madness, Ten on Tuesday and Wednesday Hero are just a couple of regular posts you can see at

Visit the blog and even post a quick comment if you have some time, I did! I also took a look a bunch of the blogs that are linked to on this one and they are all pretty fun reading. Check this one out for yourself, maybe leave a comment here if you like it or not.

Parents and Score Learning Centers

Parents that have their children enrolled in any kind of Summer Program for learning will see a significant change in their child's academic success.

I believe that parents should at least consider the option of putting their children through a Summer Program for learning. At least in the early years of school to help boost the child's confidence in school. Maybe take the grades of a child that isn't doing so well and enroll them in a Summer Program for that specific course.

Score Learning Centers help children ages 4 to 14 gain significant academic progress through such programs as this and other tutor programs." />

Would You Go to Price is Right just to Meet Rosie?

Straight from the horses mouth:

LOS ANGELES -- Bob Barker endorsed his friend Rosie O'Donnell as a possible successor on "The Price Is Right," although the newly retired host isn't sure CBS wants a woman to take over the game show.

This would be the worst thing that the show could do, right? Am I the only one that feels this way about her taking over the Price is Right? I have NOTHING against woman at all, but I do have something against Rosie. I just don't think that she has the right charisma for hosting her own show. Look where it got her with her talk show.

College kids from all over the United States just to meet Bob Barker, would they do this to meet Rosie? Possibly, there will be some, but the whole energy of the show would shift. Maybe it's a paradigm to think that it just wouldn't work, but we won't know until it all happens. She is funny, sort of, but really isn't what it was all about for Bob Barker. Hopefully they bring in a "no-namer" for the job and give someone who hasn't made it big yet a chance to do so, but since I don't work for the show, I don't have a say :)
I do know that I most likely will not watch it ever, if Rosie is on it. It just wouldn't "jive".

Math Tutors Available at Score

Score Learning Centers have programs that will help your child progress through school with the help of their tutor programs.

Math Tutors can help your child, ages 4 to 14, gain progress academically. Tutors can help parents that are unsure of their child's ability throughout their school career. If you would see your child slipping at a specific subject, say math, then math tutors would be able to help you.

Score Learning Centers sound like an excellent option for students that want to improve themselves in areas of school they think they are failing at.

My Hair Needs to be Mowed!

I need a hair cut. Usually I get a haircut every 4 weeks or so. This time I think I am going on 6 weeks or more.

My sideburns are out of control, in about a week I'll have a mullet and who knows what is happening between my eyes? I am lazy, but I am going to blame my blog :) I will most likely get a haircut soon because the weather is just insane here in the summer. The more hair I have on my head the more hot 98 degrees feels in the shade.

Summer Camp for Your Kids?

Some parents think about sending their children to a camp for the summer. This can be a plus for the child. Here is an option for children 4 to 14.

If you are the parent of a child with an age range of 4 to 14, Score has just the thing for you. Score Learning centers are here to help a child make significant academic progress. Another thing they offer to parents is Score Summer Camps.

Summer Camps offer an alternative to summer school for children to give them an activity to look forward to during the summer months when school is out. I believe parents should consider a summer camp for their child, it promotes socialization and can be extremely beneficial to a child's development.

June 16, 2007

Charter 10 MB Internet!

So, we finally up graded to's 10MB internet service for however much for 6 months and then I am sure an unreasonable amount after that.

But, I am on online junkie and gamer, so it's well worth it. Now, if only the speeds are what they say they were selling :) For the last 3 weeks the speed didn't seem to be changing at all, even though we are told it would only take about 2 hours to upgrade from the time we called it in. So, here we sit, still nothing that resembles a noticeable change in speed. can test your speed if you want to see what you are actually paying for, and I am sure there are tons of other sites out there as well that will do the same for you.

June 13, 2007

Interesting Shopping Site

Super Duper Food calorie counter available at

This calorie counter is just like any other handheld calculator. With this amazing product you will be able to calculate calories, fat, carbs and other things for many different types of foods.

It will also calculate nutritional information for home-cooked meals as well. The best part about the whole calorie counter is that you can also get the information for fast food places like McDonalds or Wendy's. That is huge. We all now the food isn't good for us, but now you will know exactly what the counts are for whatever you are eating!

Home Remedies and the Government

We have all used home remedies at one point or another. But did you ever think that the FDA or other higher powers are behind removing books or other literature from the shelves because people are getting cured WITHOUT prescription drugs?

A friend of a friend of mine worked as a manager at a local Walgreens store. For those of you that don't know a Walgreens when you see one, they are a cross between your local pharmacy and a convenience store, only without the gas.

Anyways, this manager noticed that a particular book was selling off the shelves. It was called something like Aunt B's home remedies or something like this. It was about 3 inches thick and was full of natural remedies and other remedies that were passed around from the beginning of time.

Customers were loving the book up and down and all of a sudden, said manager gets a call from head office people and is told to pull the books and anyone caught selling the book after today will be terminated. Isn't that a little suspicious? Why wouldn't anyone want those books on the shelf? Was there recipes for bombs in it? How to make your own drugs?

I can't think of any other reasons why the book isn't good enough to sell to people that are willing to try something outside the norm.

June 12, 2007

$7 Million More for PayPerPost to Play With

Extra, Extra Read All About It! The following is a press release from

The PayPerPost Revolution Accelerates, Sponsored
Blogging Marketplace Secures $7 Million Series B

Draper Fisher Jurvetson leads round and joins Board of Directors

ORLANDO, FL – (June 12, 2007) – PayPerPost, the leading marketplace for advertisers to reach bloggers and other consumer content creators, today announced it has completed a $7 million second round investment led by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, an investor in the company's Series A and one of the world’s leading high-technology venture capital firms. The financing brings the total amount of capital raised by PayPerPost to over $10 million, giving the company considerable resources for further development as the industry’s leading Consumer Generated Advertising marketplace. Additional participants in the round include existing investors Inflexion Partners and Village Ventures as well as new investor DFJ Gotham. With this investment, DFJ Managing Director Josh Stein also joins PayPerPost’s Board of Directors.

“PayPerPost created this exciting new advertising space and has established itself as the industry leader,” said Ted Murphy, chief executive officer of PayPerPost. “Although we’ve only used a portion of our first round capital, this added support from investors unlocks significant growth potential. Our content creator and advertiser ROI metrics clearly demonstrate the upside for PayPerPost’s model. We intend to use this capital to build the infrastructure, visibility and professional expertise necessary to reach and retain a greater network of advertisers and content creators than ever before.”

Since its founding in June of 2006, PayPerPost has signed more than 6,500 advertisers to its groundbreaking service, which has enabled Consumer Content Creators to be compensated for their efforts discussing specific companies, products or services via blogs, videos or other media. The content creators are required to disclose relationships with advertisers on their blog, providing transparency for the end reader. Over 125,000 Internet postings, most in the form of blogs, have already earned money for their creators through PayPerPost’s innovative marketplace. PayPerPost recently released PayPerPost Direct, a disruptive new service that allows advertisers to contract and negotiate directly with individual bloggers they identify through a safe, managed system.

“PayPerPost has laid a strong foundation for the future,” noted Tim Draper, founder and managing director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. “It continues to attract a critical mass of participants from both the advertising and blogging communities. Analogous to Overture’s sponsored search model, we believe PayPerPost’s business model holds disruptive potential and will enable the company to thrive in the evolving paid-content arena.”

To mark the $7 million dollar funding, PayPerPost has launched a new website detailing the company’s service offering at Bloggers and advertisers can easily sign up at the site and begin leveraging the self service marketplace.


What do I think they should do with the extra $7 million? I would put most of it into developmental work to enhance the user experience, give the advertisers/bloggers more tools to use and make the website function as smooth as possible. I have never started a business that needed this kind of funding, but I think that a lot of businesses can only do well when others see positive things and invest in this.

If you haven't already heard or seen, is a service that allows their clients to advertise on blogs. With this system, advertisers are able to harness the power that blogs have to get the word out there, good or bad, about products and services. All blogs must meet specific criteria, of which includes that fact that they MUST disclose that they are being paid for posts about goods and services. The number of bloggers is growing by the day. There is an excellent community of bloggers and advertisers on the site daily, willing to help anyone that may have any questions or concerns.

This can only be a good thing for, right? Getting more interest in their business can only lead to bigger and better things! I am excited to see how this will change how people are able to advertise on blogs. I am a life long member and will certainly be adding other blogs that I have to the system. Read more about

June 11, 2007

Baby Jessica Back in the News

Everyone remembers "Baby Jessica", right? But does anyone realize that she hasn't been in the news ONE time since she was rescued from a 59 hour ordeal involving the well she had fallen into?

That's right. She hasn't given an interview or even gone back to the well before her interview with TODAY host Matt Lauer.

"Baby Jessica", whos real name is Jessica McClure Morales, says “For me to come back 20 years later, it was a little difficult because I had no earthly idea or anything of what had ever really honestly happened there.”

I can't imagine it was a very pleasing feeling, but she was only 18 months old. What do people expect her to remember? I guess that is maybe the reason why she hasn't done any interviews about her ordeal. Read more...

Online Shopping Coupons for Everyone

I recently purchased a Tracfone. I was searching around the internet for the best deals, like I usually do when I want to purchase something online.

One thing that I didn't think of was searching for coupon codes. I am the type of person that will try and find the best deal on an item. Online shopping coupons have been around for quite some time and there are a ton of sites that collect them for you to use when you want to make a purchase online.

Some websites use these codes to promote a specific product, such as a Tracfone, or to allow their customers to purchase items at a special price. They are very popular and I would recommend websites like to anyone looking to make a purchase online. They have over 1,000 store that offer coupons to potential customers.

June 10, 2007

Paris in, Paris out, Paris in and shake it all about

I see this is all over the internet by now, but I figured that I would toss my two cents into the kitty.

I think this is just a coincidence, but this post about how Paris thought she could do what she wanted is interestingly close to my post about brats, don't you think? We all know the stupid story so I am not even going to go there, but what the hell is going on here? It's all about the money. Her lawyers see her money, they play the "she's a mental case" card, maybe the judge who excused her saw some money signs, heck, maybe even the "private" doctor saw some money. That's all it takes and the "brats" in society get to do what they want.

Oh wait though, she's going back to jail. I am sure it's not because she looked like a total retard leaving the jail and the publicity would be bad. Nah, she probably just wanted to make sure she did the right thing, like not violating parole in the first place :)

Perfect quote from the movie "Liar Liar", "Stop breaking the law asshole".

June 8, 2007

Spam FREE Web Sweepstakes Game has 100's of prizes to give away every month.

The prizes ranger from $10 to $600 and the contests are only open to members of Signing up is easy and FREE. You will NOT be asked to complete offers or get any SPAM emails.

The contest happens in 2 phases. The first lasts about 7 to 14 days and the prize to win is displayed for everyone to see and enter if they choose. At the end of the first round (semi-final round) there will be 7 entrants selected randomly and asked to write a statement of about 100 words as to why they want or need the item in the contest.

The final round will also last 7 to 14 days. In this round members will vote for the contestant they think should win the item. The entry with the highest number of votes, will be the winner. This site is up and coming, so the chances of winning a contest are quite good at this point.

Come with me and enter some contests for FREE. You just never know, your reason for wanting the item might get the highest number of votes.

The 26 year old suspect in the kidnapping and killing of an 18 year old woman may have had a page.

On this page, it is reported by MSNBC, that there were bizarre claims of "eating small children". Kelsey Smith, 18, was abducted as she left a Target store in her home town. Immediately a website, was created in the hopes of finding Kelsey alive. Those hopes were dashed when her body was found in a wooded area near Grandview, Missouri, less than 4 days after she was kidnapped. The kidnapping was caught on video in the parking lot of the Target store she was leaving at the time.

The website maybe taken down since her body has been found, but the family has yet to decide this.

June 7, 2007

Can You See in the Dark? has just about anything you need for being able to see into the night. Whether you are looking for night vision goggles, rifle scopes, thermal imaging equipment or heatseeker equipment, they have it all.

Their website has FREE UPS & APO shipping as well as an excellent customer service area to answer all of your questions about night vision. You might be looking for some equipment to help you in hunting, security or neighborhood watch programs. has a full line of military & tactical gear from flashlights to red dot scopes. has a variety of equipment from brands that include:
Insight Technology

They are sure to have what you need no matter what they application is. Check out their heatseeker thermal imagers today!

Spoiled Brats and the Future of the World

We have all seen them, spoiled little brats that get everything they want because of one or more reasons. Some of these reasons may include; their parents have all the money they need and don't have a problem dishing it out to keep the brats from whining or because they are too lazy to teach the brat responsibility. Or it could be both, or a variety of other reasons.

The reason I bring this up is because I watched a mother of a child, couldn't have been more than 5 years old, let him run around a picnic, his school was throwing for end of the school year, in his socks. That's not all. This "child" was allowed ONE cup of soda per the school lunch program as long as they also got food. Well, guess what, I was the one giving out said soda at this picnic. I watched this brat come up and try to get soda at least 1 time on his own. I understand that he is FIVE. One time I can understand, but then I watched him go get his mom (shortly after myself and another told him he could have ONE) and bring her up so she could get him another soda.

Kids are tricksters, but what's up with "mom"? I know she can read the signs that were clearly posted stating that only ONE cup of soda per person was allowed. Why would she allow herself to feed all this soda to the brat instead of telling him he can only have one?

What's the big deal you ask? Well, the entire school eats in shifts and the kitchen workers have to "count" all the food and beverages for the children ahead of time to make sure they are all getting their portion for the day. The same is done for this picnic. All the soda is counted out so that everyone gets ONE cup. There is a couple extra built in, but that is not the point. This "mom" that is allowing her child more soda than he is allotted for, is ruining it for everyone else at the picnic. If we run out, students are without soda and asking why? If we tell them the little brats of the bunch kept coming up for more, what are they going to do about it?

The future of this country will be run by these brats. They are the ones that will be handed everything they ever needed and shown that with little or no effort, you can have what you want. Forget the hard working stiff that is trying to become manager at the company he has worked at for 15 years and never missed a day. This brat will be there the day the promotions are handed out and because the brat's mother and father have a large stake in said company, guess who will get promoted?

Anyone who opposes dare not say anything or be out casted from society forever. How pathetic is this?

Song of the Day:

"Short skirt and a long jacket" by Cake

June 5, 2007

Pingo: PrePaid Calling Cards

Prepaid calling card provider, phone cards are a service of iBasis, which is a public company (NASDAQ: IBAS) and one of the largest carriers of international VoIP phone calls in the world. is offering my readers $5 in FREE calls if you sign up with them through the following link. I have been looking for a cheap phone card to use internationally for some time. They have a $25 Gift Card Give-a-way going on right now. The gift cards are valid at 9 online merchants. Why Pingo? The cards have NO HIDDEN FEES, NO SURPRISES and the best competitive prices worldwide!

New users will get up to 4 hours of international calling time for FREE when they complete the sign up process. They also offer a feature call Pingo RateWatcher, which allows you to search all rates to find the lowest in the shortest amount of time and Pingo Mobile which saves you up to 90% off international cell phone rates.

I have prepaid calling cards in my vehicles just for emergencies, as well as, in my travel bag for when I am away from home. It's cheap security while you are away on vacation.

They also have an affiliate program that includes $15 in calls for every person you refer to the website. You can read about how it works or even go to and search rates for specific countries.

Cards Available are:
Global Calling Card
China Phone Card
and many more at their website,

TAGS: pingo, International calls, long distance, phone card, calling card, International mobile & International cell phone

Help Me Find the Best Video Proof of a Ghost

I would like to ask all of my readers to help me find the best proof there is such thing as a ghost. I have searched and searched the internet, but still here of videos out there that are quite convincing.

I don't want to see the typical car commercial with the "ghost" at the end or all the fake webcam videos out there. I want to be a believer in the paranormal, but for that to be 100% belief, I need to see some proof. Either with my own eyes (which I haven't yet) or on a convincing amateur type video.

So, cruise the net, Google all day long, but find me something. Put the link in my comments section so I can find my way around. Thanks in advance and if this goes well, I will be running contests sponsored by JWS Electronics.

Song of the Day:

"Bull on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine

June 4, 2007

Top Local Business Directory is Here

A new local business directory is available for you to use. You can browse by city, state, zip code or business name/type. Some of the categories you can search by include:
Restaurants, Bars & Clubs in your state or search specific directories like the Education Directory.

The advantage to having a directory like this is that you may find a business locally that you might have not known about before. The website is very well organized and easy on the eyes. It appears that there are over 150,000 listings for government and 225,000 in the finance category. Visit the Local business directory today and see for yourself. Refers Traffic

How to use to get traffic to your blog!

If you have been to, you know that interesting, unique and of the wall stories are king. You also know that some websites can get some serious traffic from as well.

What does have to do with my blog you ask? Well, if you happen to have all kinds of posts featuring all kinds of topics you can use to get some traffic to your site.

Simply go to, search for articles related to your topics and post a relevant comment on the article, maybe even a link to your blog post. In no time you will see traffic flowing from

Don't forget to post relevant comments though, you don't want your comment to get buried. Having your comments in the top 5 are key to getting the most traffic. If you post comments that have little to do with the article, you will be buried and get no traffic at all. You can see an example here of me testing it to get traffic to my blog.

June 3, 2007

The Sky at Night, is Big and Bright....

I like thunderstorm and watching how clouds and lightening roll through during the summer months. I also like it when the sky is clear and you can see a comet, planet or even a shooting star.

Other than a set of binoculars or a telescope, there is one other gadget that is helpful when looking into the sky. And that item is the Meade My Sky Personal Video Planetarium. The meade my sky lets you view up to 30k celestial objects at the click of a button.

Features include a full color LCD screen, as well as, the added ability to control a Meade computerized telescope. The meade my sky is perfect for a student who is learning to be an astronomer. The gift is unique and can be found at, where every order over $29.95 is shipped free via UPS.

June 2, 2007

My Dog Eats Water

My dog goes nuts over the water hose, as you can see, others pets are the same!

Most Haunted LIVE!

Tonight the Travel Channel decided to put on a 6-7 hour live telecast of the TV show Most Haunted. For those of you that haven't ever seen it, oh wait, we all have seen the show. You know, the one with the woman that is always screaming and freaked out by every little noise and shadow she sees? Yup, that one, Most Haunted.

Tonight they are currently running this LIVE special for viewer at the Eastern State Penitentiary. We all remember this place from the last time the Ghost Hunters were there and captured a shadow figure on film. While watching the show tonight, a bunch of things have been happening. Everything from scratching crew members to tables being tossed about. The psychics on the show amaze me, they are actually coming up with real names and events according to the shows historian who is working hard in real time to find if any of the information is correct.

Watch the Most Haunted LIVE web cams NOW. How do you feel about Most Haunted vs. Ghost Hunters?

Song of the Day:
"American Idiot" by Green Day

June 1, 2007

Like eBay? This seems more FUN!

Ever hear of a website called Well, the website has some excellent prizes that you can win. The only catch is this: you have to have the lowest bid to win. That's right! The lowest UNIQUE bid will win the auction.

Learn how to play and select the prizes that you want to win. Bid on them and wait for the auction to end. If you have the lowest bid that is UNIQUE you are the winner.

The prize list includes $500 cash, Ninetendo Wii,Tag Heuer Aquaracer 2000 Mens/Womens watch and even a Playstation 3! I would be all over this Playstation 3 System. I have been waiting to be able to afford the system, but it just hasn't happened yet. I am a gamer on the inside, I have had all the gaming systems in the past and would love it even more if I could WIN it.

Credit Card Companies Are So Bad

So, the other day I was talking with my dad about various nothings in particular. He brings up his Discover credit card and this situation he was in recently with them. It goes a little something like this.

He was currently paying $80 per month to this card. The interest rate was fixed at 7.9% for the life of the balance on the card, provided that he pays every month the minimum and yada yada yada. $80 was more than the minimum payment due.

Out of nowhere he gets his statement and there is a $39 late fee on it. While looking through the statement he sees a payment of $50. Looking back on his check book (way to old school for online payments) he sees it was made out to Discover for $80.

First thing he does is get on the phone with Discover to explain his displeasure with the statement. They tell him that there was a payment of $50 made, but it was late. He told the lady that he made a payment of $80 by check. She said nope you didn't, only $50 according to the computer. My dad then asked if the checks are run through a computer. "Yes they are" the lady says. "Well your computer f*cked up" says my dad.

All of a sudden the tone of this conversation changed. She says there is nothing she can do about it since the payment was in the computer already. So, as frustrated as he was, he explains that he will be sending payment WITH the $39 fee attached on the next payment. She says it would be just fine to do that.

What a crock huh? I guess if he would have paid online it wouldn't mistaken any numbers for others. Surprised that the computer didn't just put an additional zero on the end and call it good.

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This policy is valid from 01 May 2007

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