
May 10, 2007

I love PayPerPost, so far

If you haven't heard about yet, where have you been? News and buzz has been flying around the net so fast lately you'd have to be under a rock for sure. The website allows bloggers to review products, services or even do blog reviews for money. I have been a member for about 3 months now, my first blog was approved alittle less then on month and I am just cresting the $100 mark for about 12 posts. I like the website, the idea and I like to blog, so I think it works out pretty well for me. In fact this post is sponsored by PayPerPost. I have met some fellow bloggers with same interests.

Because some advertisers require you to have a higher PR rating to accept the opp, it has forced me to improve my blog and blogging, which would have taken longer if I did it without a reason :) Check out the site if you haven't already and let me know what you think, I know you will have an opinion~!
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