Sweeney Todd by Tim Burton
Have you seen the previews for this new Tim Burton movie? I really like Johnny Deep as an actor. His new movie, named Sweeny Todd, fits right in with all the other "outside the norm" movies that he is a part of. You can see more information about the movie when you visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site or visit Sweeney Todd on Myspace.
On the buzznet.com web site you can give an actual confession. Confessions are a good way to vent or relieve some tension that has been building up through this holiday season. If I had to confess it would have to be that I have been trying to cheat at my football pool. I know, I know, it's not exactly that easy to do (which it's not), but I don't have a ton of time to watch every football game or read about every injury. I guess reading the "expert picks" isn't really cheating, but I still feel bad because I am trying to get some kind of influence from them.
I feel a little bit better, if you have a confession to make, go to the web site to give your own confession. Besides all of that, don't forget about the movie coming out soon!
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