
August 23, 2007

Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk

The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk will be happening all over the country this year and people have been walking since 1989. The walk is a great fundraising tool and to date has raised over $225 million for research. Alzheimer's affects millions of people and with more money to research the causes and cures for this life threatening disease. Sign up today as a team captain and help raise awareness about this disease. Go to the website and read more about their fundraising options.

Walks like this one happen all year round for various reasons and are usually tied into some sort of fundraising venture. I must say that I have participated in a cancer walk back in the day and it was amazing to see the amount of people that show up for these events. It's great knowing that many people care about a cause and will do whatever they can to help out in the time of need.

Walks like this one happen all year round for various reasons and are usually tied into some sort of fundraising venture. I must say that I have participated in a cancer walk back in the day and it was amazing to see the amount of people that show up for these events. It's great knowing that many people care about a cause and will do whatever they can to help out in the time of need. My grandpa had this disease in his later years and it was hard to see the affects it had on his mind. He was a war veteran and I am sure that wasn't helpful at the same time. So, I am blogging about the walk, would like to participate if I can and I am asking you to do the same if you are able. Take a look at the website and see what you think.

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