
July 31, 2007

Web Development Blog Review:

As I try to get my ability to review a blog down to a "T", I came across another blog that I am going to review. This web development blog will give me a link (PR4 blog) and I could possibly be the Featured Blog on his blog.

While reading the first post on his blog I find myself wondering why I never thought of remapping the caps lock key. You know what I mean? The key is never used. Once you get rolling on the keyboard it is much easier to hold the shift key or just click it if you need it. The blog features many helpful posts like this one. Categories include, Offtopic, reviews and my favorite, web development.

The design of the blog is nice and neat. I like to read blogs so I am a stickler for design that's easy on the eyes. This one is setup nicely and the information flows like melted butter. Looking at another post, I see this cool thing called a link train. Check it out to see if it's something you'd like to do.

265 feed readers and a $60 price tag on reviews, is well known by those who read about web development, among other things.

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